Bella Vista Newsroom
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Holden Vigna Shares his Influences, Experience, and Information about his Band Window Girl
Kassandra Davila talks to Holden Vigna, member of the local band Window Girl.
The Yearbook and Its Purpose with Yearbook Director Erin Wright
Jesse Reason sits down with Erin Wright to discuss yearbook.
Chatting with Mrs. Arnold
As many people know, Mrs. Arnold is an English teacher at Bella Vista High School. She radiates an upbeat and positive attitude that is...
Life as a Soccer Player
Many athletes can come to the agreement that it is a relief that we, as Bella Vista students are able to get out and play the sport[s]...
Drama During The Pandemic
Samantha Cinelli, active participant and president of the Drama club, agreed to engage in an interview conducted by BV Newsroom to...
Lesa Young on Teaching ASL Remotely
Lesa Young is an ASL teacher at Bella Vista, and recently, BV Newsroom conducted an interview with her. As her students may know, her ASL...
To Whom an Art Credit May Concern: Talking with Mrs. Ed
As a junior at Bella Vista, my upperclassmen peers and I are starting to look beyond this school, no longer interested in solely high...
Morality and Capital Punishment: Debating the Death Penalty with Bella Vista Students
Recently, the Trump administration has had multiple people executed during the last months of his term before his impeachment. The death...
Mrs. Gonzalez Reflects on Her Journey to Becoming a Teacher
When you were growing up, what career did you want to pursue? When I was in elementary school, I wanted to be a Marine Biologist. In...
2021: Predictions, Safety, and Reflections on the Last Year
Alani Summers interviews several students regarding predictions and reflections for the last year.
In Conversation with Ms. Mitchell: "It’s all just about trying new things"
Eddie Wokas talks with Ms. Mitchell about her new position as an English teacher at Bella Vista.
Hanukkah: A Source of Nostalgia for Bella Vista Students Andrew Miller and Keila Debia
With the heartfelt cheer that is filling people as the holidays near, it is important to make the most out of the abilities that people...
Bella Vista Students Face the Question of Losing Friends Over Politics
Lately there has been a lot of tension regarding political climate. People are becoming more and more divided as quarantine pulls us...
Bella Vista Alums Tania Shahvali and Skyla Yoho Tackle Higher Education During a Pandemic
During the week of November 9, 2020, two Bella Vista graduates of the year 2020 were interviewed on behalf of the Bella Vista Newsroom to...
Three Students Discuss the 2020 Election & How it Impacts Them
2020 has been a tumultuous year for all, and the election was no exception in adding to the madness. Stirring up feelings of anxiety in...
Javier Vega Fernandez Keeps Busy During Quarantine
With all of this extra time at home that everyone’s found themselves with, the BV Newsroom couldn’t help but wonder how people were...
Mrs. Stewart's Journey to Teaching and Her Thoughts on Physical Education
On October 26, 2020 the Newsroom did a personal interview with Bella Vista’s PE teacher Mrs. Stewart. During the interview, Mrs. Stewart...