Bella Vista Newsroom
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An "Excellent Feeling of Grandness" - A Dune (2021) Review
Though a film adaptation of Dune has existed since the novel’s first iteration in 1984, the old version took notorious liberties with the...
Dear Evan Hansen (2021): Sincerely, a Disappointed Theatre Kid
“Maybe we owe [Cats] an apology” - Lily, Letterboxd Review In the return to cinemas after COVID, many are itching for a classic film...
Hello, Senioritis...
Holden Vigna laments about the very read struggles and changes high school seniors are facing since a nineteen month gap in everything.
Why History Classes are Important (And Why they Need to Change)
Let me first say, if any of the BV history teachers are reading, I loved my history classes, they were always one of my favorite classes...
The BV Newsroom Recommends Their Favorite Books and Movies
A few of the writers from the BV Newsroom recommend their favorite books and movies.
I Care a Lot: A Review
I Care A Lot is a film that was released somewhat recently and stars actress Rosamund Pike. For a time, it was ranked number one on...
Campaign Promises: Are They Simply a Hook to Catch Voters?
Often, politicians win elections, particularly against incumbents, by offering grand things. Ah yes, Ye Olde Campaign Promise. And often,...
Cancel Culture: Harmful or Necessary?
Cancel culture. Many have heard of it, and watched it crumble celebrities’ careers in just hours. From Shane Dawson to Jimmy Fallon, and...
Is Print Dead?
A secret dream of mine has always been to work at Barnes and Noble. The walls and walls of literature would ensure my love for the...